Lut Desert

Lut Desert

Lut desert is a unique almost alien landscape shaped over thousands of years of desert winds.

The sands of geological time have been witnessed of long-dead seas, dried lakes, and riverbeds whose very names survive in myths and legends passed down through oral history. This harsh environment has shaped a warm friendly culture of hospitality.

 Lut desert referred to as Kavir-e Lut and also called the Dasht-e Lut, registered on the UNESCO World Heritage site on July 17, 2016, is the vastest salt arid with a subtropical 

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climate in Iran and 27th largest desert in the world. It is situated in the south-east of Iran; located mostly in Kerman province and surrounded in east to the province of Sistan and Baluchestan and from north to South Khorasan province. It is recognized as the world’s hottest and driest surface spot because of a temperature of 70.7 ˚C has been recorded by NASA’s Aqua satellite. This hottest part is called Gandom Beryan which in English means “Toasted wheat”. This arid land contains corrugated ridges known as kaluts and stony parts.

